Simplified Chinese

Beijing protests latest US' arms sales to Taiwan

Source: 2023-03-04

Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense. [Photo/]

China has lodged solemn representations over the latest United States' arms sales to China's Taiwan, the Defense Ministry said on Friday afternoon, expressing "firm opposition and strong dissatisfaction".

"The US move has grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, seriously violated the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiques, especially the August 17 Communique," senior colonel Tan Kefei, the spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said in response to the US' newest $619 million arms sale to Taiwan island, which covers airborne missiles for F-16 fighter jets and related equipment.

The arms sales "seriously undermines China's sovereignty and security interests, and seriously threatens peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits," he said.

The spokesman demanded the US to stop arms sales to Taiwan and military contacts with the island, stop meddling in the Taiwan question and stop escalating tensions across the Taiwan Straits.

"The People's Liberation Army is always ready to respond to all provocations seeking independence and interference from outside forces, and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity," he warned.

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