Simplified Chinese

Opposing "Taiwan independence" only path to peaceful development of cross-Strait relations: mainland

Source: XinhuaUpdated: 2023-11-30

BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- Only by upholding the 1992 Consensus and opposing "Taiwan independence" can relations across the Taiwan Strait return to the right track of peaceful development, a Chinese mainland spokesperson said on Wednesday.

Only in this way can Taiwan compatriots live and work in peace and contentment, as it is the only path towards a bright future, said Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, at a press conference.

In response to recent remarks on cross-Strait relations made by Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, both politicians with Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party, Chen said that obstinately sticking to "Taiwan independence" stance and colluding with external forces to make provocative actions for that purpose is a path to nowhere, and will only cause tension and disturbance in the Strait and threaten the safety and welfare of Taiwan compatriots.

Noting that the 1992 Consensus is the common political foundation of cross-Strait dialogue and negotiations, Chen said that as long as it is upheld, there is no obstacle for any political party or group from Taiwan to hold exchanges with the mainland.

On the foreign media's concerns over the upcoming Taiwan leadership election and worries about tension in the Strait, Chen said it proves that the whole world knows about the hazards of "Taiwan independence."

He called on Taiwan compatriots to see clearly that those working for "Taiwan independence" are troublemakers and "war-makers," and to resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" to help bring cross-Strait relations back onto the right path of peaceful development.

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