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CPC Taiwan work official hails Xi-Chu meeting

Updated: 05 06 , 2015 11:24
Xinhua Small  Medium  Large Email Print

BEIJING -- A senior official of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has hailed the achievements of Monday's meeting between the top leaders of the CPC and the Kuomintang.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, on Monday met with visiting Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu in Beijing and called on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to "build a community of shared destiny" and settle political differences through equal consultations.

By stressing the importance of cross-Strait peaceful development, the political foundation of adhering to the 1992 Consensus and opposing "Taiwan independence," as well as efforts to carry on cross-Strait talks and cooperation, and to bring benefits to the mainland and Taiwan people, Xi's remarks have chartered a course for development of cross-Strait relations, the official said.

The official's comments were sent to Xinhua in a document that did not name the official.

The history of cross-Strait development confirms that adhering to the 1992 Consensus and opposing "Taiwan independence" brings about stability and development across the Strait and that no development can be secured if the foundation is undermined, the official said.

Xi's remarks on seeking benefit for people on the two sides demonstrated the mainland's good faith and positive attitude, according to the official.

His words also signaled the mainland's willingness to seek solutions to problems and differences between the two sides, the official went on.

The official called on the CPC and KMT to be courageous and shoulder their responsibility to contribute to the future of cross-Strait relations and national revival.

Before meeting with Xi, Chu attended the 10th Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Culture Forum, a regular meeting between the mainland and Taiwan, on Sunday in Shanghai.

With the two parties' joint efforts in the past 10 years, peace in cross-Strait relations was hard-won after decades of hostility, so it should be cherished, said the official.

As for political differences, the two parties have agreed on compromise to avoid hampering cooperation and exchanges.

"As long as we have affection and empathy towards our fellows, we will find a solution," the official noted.